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IMPACT Multi Frequency

رقم الاعلان:   24720
البلد:   السعودية
المدينة:   الرياض
1691   يوم
مشاهدة:   1080
Impact Metal Detector | now from Golden detector company - Abu Dhabi One of the best metal detector 2020 Uncover deep hidden treasures with the new IMPACT Multi Frequency Metal Detector by Nokta! The IMPACT combines multiple detectors in one and utilizes cutting edge technology, enabling a unique yet easy-to-use detector experience for new to experienced detectorists. The IMPACT boasts (12) search modes designed to hunt out different targets such as coins, relics and deep treasure caches. It also operates extremely well in different terrains including (but not limited to) wet beach sand and parks, allowing you to search without any further adjustment if you wish.Featuring (3) powerful operating frequencies, online firmware update (via PC USB) capability and robust design. If you are looking for depth and advanced discrimination ability, the IMPACT - just like its name - will make a great impact on your future detecting finds. visit our website to know more about the device 👇👇 https://www.goldendetector.com/en/impact-nokta watch this video about the device https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz43SyaHrLw&t=6s Get it now from Golden detector company with free shipping💯 free training💯 Best price👌 Give us a call at 📲 golden detector group 📞00971507737755 📞00971503380055 Metal detector Abu Dhabi احدث اجهزة كشف الذهب بالامارات
بيانات الاعلان
  • مشاهدات : 1080
  • الخدمة : معروض
  • جوال التواصل : 00971503380055
  • القسم : الاجهزة
  • التصنيف : اجهزة تنقيب
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التواصل: 00971503380055

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