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Mega G3 New metal detector

رقم الاعلان:   24227
البلد:   السعودية
المدينة:   الرياض
1712   يوم
مشاهدة:   881
MEGA G3 Gold Metal Detector 2020 The second version of MEGA DETECTION Worldwide newer technology in the field of detection of treasures and minerals, without being influenced by rocks or erroneous signals that are emitted from the ground, without fuss or fatigue as it gets in the devices currently in use Mega G3 includes 2 search systems for gold & metal detection that can be used to detect many types of precious metals and gold (natural or buried) and even diamonds. The prospector can use one of these systems to find targets based on his desire and needs, by installing appropriate sensor or antennas in their ports in the main device unit. By selecting the search area for exploration and detection of targets, and the device identifies the gold or any object in less than 20 seconds from the start of work distances ranging from 250 meters and up to 2000 meters for the front range, with a automatic ground balance feature which provides the ability of targets detection in all terrain like rocky lands, plains, mountainous lands and agricultural clay lands. Mega G3 is available exclusively with special price and free shipping to all countries Just call us and order your device now Call+WhatsApp : 00971507737755 Call+WhatsApp : 00971503380055 for more information Visit our website : https://www.goldendetector.com/en/mega-g3-mega-locators Watch Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as4I_60P6t8&t=96s subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRaVfCDV3q3oiZtGhA6dhYA Gold Detector, Metal Detector, Burial Detector, Treasures Detector, Metal Detectors, Gold Detectors, Gold Detector, Metal Detector, Water Detector, For Sale, Gold Detector, Gold Detector, Forest, Gold Detector Price, Best Gold Detector, Gold Detector Prices, Well Detector, Treasure Detection, Burial Detection, Metal Detection, Gold Detection, Tomb Detector, Vault Detection,, Saudi Gold Detector, Gold Detector in Jordan, Gold Detector in Egypt , Gold Detector in Palestine, Gold Detector in Lebanon, Water Detection and Artesian Wells, Smallest Gold Detector in Egypt
بيانات الاعلان
  • مشاهدات : 881
  • الخدمة : معروض
  • جوال التواصل : 00971503380055
  • القسم : الاجهزة
  • التصنيف : اجهزة تنقيب
مشاركة الاعلان
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التواصل: 00971503380055

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