احدث المتاجر

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Patio heater rental gas and electric

رقم الاعلان:   43348
البلد:   الإمارات
المدينة:   دبي
485   يوم
مشاهدة:   571
Stylish and contemporary, our heaters are not just about aesthetics – they are designed to be practical, durable, and provide the warmth you need to enjoy the outdoors comfortably.

Choose from our selection of patio heaters powered by infrared, propane, or natural gas, each catering to different preferences and needs. Whether you're looking to take the chill off cool evenings or create a cozy atmosphere in your outdoor space, we have the perfect heating solution for you.

Our heaters are ideal for both professional and personal use during the winter season in the UAE. With various sizes and uses, our products are equipped with high-quality materials to ensure effective heating ventilation in open or closed spaces. The emitted light and pleasant flow of warm air make them a perfect addition to gardens, verandas, outdoor cafeterias, restaurants, gazebos, bars, hotels, and gatherings.

Explore our range of Gas Patio Heaters available for both sale and rental. Let warmth become a defining feature of your outdoor experience, whether you're looking to enhance the ambiance of your space or cater to special events. Embrace comfort and style with our reliable patio heaters.
بيانات الاعلان
  • مشاهدات : 571
  • الخدمة : معروض
  • جوال التواصل : 971547929759
  • القسم : العام
  • التصنيف : اثــــــــــــاث
مشاركة الاعلان
لا يوجد تعليقات لهذا الاعلان كن انت اول تعليق
يرجي تسجيل الدخول او التسجيل لكي تتمكن من التعليق
التواصل: 971547929759

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