احدث المتاجر

متجر شعار الإعلانات
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تسوق العقار يحتاج لمجهود كبير. هذا من الماضي مع ع...
زهرة لورا للأعمال الحديدية
مؤسسة سعوديـة رائــدة في مجــال الحديــد والتشكيــ...


رقم الاعلان:   20998
البلد:   المغرب
المدينة:   الدار البيضاء
1804   يوم
مشاهدة:   1045
[align=left]Alareeman Company for Metal Detectors ,, the first approved in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia Spark Manufacturer: MWF Country of origin: America Maximum search depth: 10 m Research area: 200 m The device detects: gold - silver - bronze - caves Systems in which the device works: the long-range advisory system - the alert sound system The Spark device works on an advanced remote sensing system that is integrated with the audio system to determine the path and point of centering of the target. A distance of 200 meters in front of the angle of 360 degrees with the property of precise control in the front search distance, where there are several levels of forward search that the user can adjust according to his need for the front scan. The depth of the search in the Spark device reaches 10 m below the surface of the earth with the ability to control precisely the depth of the search from the control interface of the device, the device is characterized by its small size and ease of use, as it can be placed in the pocket and move it with ease and ease, as anyone can use it without The need for much experience or knowledge of the detector. Al-Aryman Company for Gold, Minerals and Underground Water Detectors. For more information, you can contact us via the numbers listed below ……… Mobile: 0096566145558 Mobile: 0096590084436 Mobile: 0096590084437 Landline: 0096522629196 Email alareeman@gmail.com The company's official website http://www.alareeman.com Company address / Kuwait - Hawalli - Abdullah Al-Othman Street - Khaled Mal Allah Complex - Fourth Floor Gold Detector, Metal Detector, Burial Detector, Treasures Detector, Metal Detectors, Gold Detectors, Gold Detector, Metal Detector, Water Detector, For Sale, Gold Detector, Gold Detector, Forest, Gold Detector Price, Best Gold Detector, Gold Detector Prices, Well Detector, Treasure Detection, Burial Detection, Metal Detection, Gold Detection, Tomb Detector, Vault Detection, Archeology Detector, Saudi Gold Detector, Gold Detector in Jordan, Detector Gold in Egypt, Gold Detector in Palestine, Gold Detector in Lebanon, Water Detector and Artesian Wells, Smallest Gold Detector[/align]
بيانات الاعلان
  • مشاهدات : 1045
  • الخدمة : معروض
  • جوال التواصل : 0096566145558
  • القسم : الاجهزة
  • التصنيف : اجهزة تنقيب
مشاركة الاعلان
لا يوجد تعليقات لهذا الاعلان كن انت اول تعليق
يرجي تسجيل الدخول او التسجيل لكي تتمكن من التعليق
التواصل: 0096566145558

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