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Titan Ger 1000 metal detector

رقم الاعلان:   24453
البلد:   السعودية
المدينة:   الرياض
1701   يوم
مشاهدة:   1020
Get your own metal detector device with free shipping all over the world now from Golden detector company TITAN GER - 1000 one device 5 systems, best device to detect gold, metals, and treasures underground. Titan Ger - 1000 Device. The device works on PULSE INDUCTION system frequency. Titan Ger 1000 Metal Detector with 5 Search System TITAN GER - 1000 Device Modern technology for the detection of gold and buried treasures underground One device works with five different search systems : 1- ionic fields search system 2- long-range search system 3- 3D imaging search system 4- magnetometer search system 5- pulse induction system the front range of the device is 2500 meters vertical and a maximum depth of 45 meters The device works in four languages - German -English - French - Arabic German industry GER Detect Company you can find and detect everything underground whatsoever like gold and precious metals (Silver - Brass ) and gemstones and ancient buried treasures and artifacts etc with TITAN GER 1000 there is no need to waste time in random search because you own 5 devices in one package for all your needs Buy TITAN GER 1000 now and start the treasure trip good times Titan ger 1000 Available exclusively at Golden Detector Group To inquire about prices, please contact the sales department Call WhatsApp : 00971507737755 Call WhatsApp : 00971503380055 Phone: 0097126584321 for more information Visit our website : https://www.goldendetector.com/en/titan-ger-1000-ger-detect Watch Video: https://youtu.be/jXDBTlD5-5w subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRaVfCDV3q3oiZtGhA6dhYA our address on map: https://goo.gl/maps/S2HsTUdBVC1y6zAx7
بيانات الاعلان
  • مشاهدات : 1020
  • الخدمة : معروض
  • جوال التواصل : 00971503380055
  • القسم : الاجهزة
  • التصنيف : اجهزة تنقيب
مشاركة الاعلان
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التواصل: 00971503380055

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