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Deep Seeker metal detector

رقم الاعلان:   24965
البلد:   الإمارات
المدينة:   ابوظبي
1642   يوم
مشاهدة:   994
DEEP Seeker is the Professional Geo-locator Long Range Metal Detector - Underground Depth Scanner & Distance Targeting - Find Gold, Silver, Coins, Jewellery, Cavity, Larger Treasure Deep Seeker is the first device in the world with five integrated search systems to detect gold treasures, antiquities, and precious metals. Superior deep seeking technology lets you become your own archaeologist and treasure hunter! DEEP SEEKER operates on five different search systems in one device: First: Ionic fields search system. Second: Magnetic metals search system. Third: cavity detection system. Fourth: 3D imaging system. Fifth: Long range system. This Deep Seeking Detector will locate metals and targets to 40 meters. Possibility of identifying the target depth underground Distance up to 3,000 meters with the possibility of determining the Front Range. • DEEP SEEKER allows users to operate two control systems: touch system and keyboard system. • Users can choose the type of soil in the search area: (natural - clay - rock - sand - mixed – or metal) to obtain more accurate results. • Determine the metal to be searched for. • The device works in six languages -Spanish -German -English -French -Italian -Arabic. order your device now from golden detector company info@GoldenDetector.com Mobile1: 00971507737755 Mobile2: 00971503380055 Phone: 0097126584321 Please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more info about this device and other devices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmSrGnoIQpg&t=42s If any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Web: https://www.goldendetector.com/en/deep-seeker-ger-detect Gold and treasure detectors Deep Seeker 5 Systems Metal Detector NEW DEEP SEEKER - GER DETECT - 5 SYSTEMS Deep Seeker metal detector | Imaging System Detectors
بيانات الاعلان
  • مشاهدات : 994
  • الخدمة : معروض
  • جوال التواصل : 00971503380055
  • القسم : الاجهزة
  • التصنيف : اجهزة تنقيب
مشاركة الاعلان
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التواصل: 00971503380055

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